Diaries, Scrapbooks, Family Trees, Genealogy & History, research, publications, etc. all related to Digby Town and County Families, both past and present
Correspondence from Ebenezer Eldridge to his children. One section of the letter responds to a question about a name for his grandson. The name of Samuel Trask Bacon was suggested.
NOTE: Samuel Trask Bacon was born July 3, 1815 in Hill Grove, Digby, NS to Thomas & Abigail (Eldridge) Bacon.
Date: July 15, 1815
Accession Number: 1982.66.11
Location: Archival Closet; Archival Box Labelled “Misc. Records #4”
Typed pages (5) of a camping event which took place in Digby…the back reads “Digby Rabblers”. This detailed letter was written for the benefit of Arthur covert, who was ill at the time of the camping.
Accession Number: 1985.18
Location: Archival Closet; Archival Box Labelled “Misc. Records #4”
Canada registration Board…”This certificate must always be carried upon the person of the registrant. This is to certify that Mrs. Alice (Arch) Keene (Mrs. Alice E. Keene) residing at Digby, N.S. was duly registered for the national purposes of Canada this 22nd day of June 1918. C.W.Robbins, Deputy Registrar.”
Date: June 22, 1918
Accession Number: 2000.16.02
Location: Archival Closet; Archival box labelled “Misc. Records #4”.
This hardcover scribbler appears to have been used by Edith Turnbull for writing notes during Bible Study/Sunday School, Etc. When you flip the book over and open it from the back, it was used as a Scrapbook by Mrs. Maynard Turnbull, Bayview.
Accession Number: 1982.60.2
Location: Archival Closet; Archival box labelled “Misc. Records #4”