Memberships & Volunteering

Society Membership

The key to our Museum’s success is the tireless work of our dedicated volunteers and members. We would like to thank everyone who has been involved in the work of our Society and Museum.

If you do not yet belong to our organization, we invite you to become a member of the Admiral Digby Library and Historical Society. This way, you can help preserve the heritage and artifacts of Digby and its surrounding areas. With your help our children will know who they are and where they originated from for generations to come!

Benefits of Society Membership include:

Workshop opportunities
50% discount on Genealogical research services *
Special photocopy rates*
Free subscription to the Digby Historical Society’s quarterly newsletter, The Atalanta
Knowledge that you are helping to keep your heritage alive!

* Must present current membership card

Household Membership: $25.00

All donations are greatly appreciated!
Membership year runs from April 1 to March 31
To apply for membership, click here.

Volunteers Needed!

Our organization’s success and strength in the community is due largely to a very dedicated group of volunteers. The Admiral Digby Museum would be delighted to welcome another pair of hands to help out.

Take a moment to ask yourself the following questions:

Am I interested in the history of Digby County?
Do I know (or would I like to find out) where my family came from?
Do I have extra time to give to my community?
Do I want my children and/or other young relatives to know how our family came to live in the Digby area?
If you are interested in making a bequest to the Admiral Digby Museum, please contact us at (902) 245-6322

Send your cheque or money order to:

Admiral Digby Library & Historical Society
P.O. Box 1644
95 Montague Row
Digby, NS, Canada
B0V 1A0