Elias R. Rawding has glued in many receipts throughout the ledger, July 1913-December 1915
Also with this ledger is a “Contract of Conveyance of His Majesty’s Mails”, dated January 28, 1910 between Elias Rawding of Clementsport, Annapolis County, Nova Scotia and the Dominion of Canada.
Ledger of registered letters mailed at, received for delivery at, or passing as “forward” through the Clementsport Post Office, Annapolis County, Nova Scotia.
Alms House/ Municipal/County Home Register, Digby, Nova Scotia
This register, of approximately 188 pages, records Inmate names, Marital Status, Community of which they are from, Death (if some cases), date Returned (if signed out for a period of time), and date Transferred.
Alms House/Municipal/County Home patient Register, Digby, Nova Scotia
This register, of approximately 180 pages, records the Inmates names, Age, Marital Status, Death date (in some cases), Community of which they are from, date returned (if they had been signed out for a period of time), and if Transferred.
Alms House/Municipal/County Home Patient Register, Digby, Nova Scotia
This Register, of approximately 100 pages, records the Inmates Surname and Given name, Age, Marital Status; Death (in some cases), Community of which they lived prior., Date Returned (if signed out for a period of time), when Transferred and when Dismissed.