Post Office Ledger

Ledger of Clementsport Post Office,  1906-1911

Elias R. Rawding has glued in many receipts throughout the ledger, July 1913-December 1915

Also with this ledger is a “Contract of Conveyance of His Majesty’s Mails”, dated January 28, 1910 between Elias Rawding of Clementsport, Annapolis County, Nova Scotia and the Dominion of Canada.

Accession Number: 1983.16.15

Location: Archival Cabinet 1-D

Post Office Ledger

Ledger of registered letters mailed at, received for delivery at, or passing as “forward” through the Clementsport Post Office, Annapolis County, Nova Scotia.

March 18, 1911 – February 22, 1917

Accession Number: 1983.16.24

Location: Archival Cabinet 1-D

Alms House Patient Register

Alms House/Municipal/County Home Patient Register, Digby, Nova Scotia


This Register, of approximately 100 pages, records the Inmates Surname and Given name, Age, Marital Status; Death (in some cases), Community of which they lived prior.,  Date Returned (if signed out for a period of time), when Transferred and when Dismissed.

Accession Number:

Location: Archival Cabinet 2-D