Memorandum of Agreement between Municipality of Annapolis and Municipality of Digby regarding Asylum.
Erected building, 1886, in Bridgetown to be used as an Asylum. Agreement for the Municipality of Digby to place persons here who are at this time maintained at the Provincial Asylum in Dartmouth, as well as other like persons who may from time-to-time become chargeable. Agreement passed the 19th day of April 1895 and the 8th day of May 1895.
Signed by
James P. Roop, Warden Annapolis
O. Daniels, Clerk Annapolis
N. R. Westcott, Warden of Municipality of Digby
W. B. Stewart, Clerk, Municipality of Digby
Date: June 29, 1895
Accession Number: 2000.42.08
Location: Archival Closet; Archival box labelled “Misc. Records #4”